From: Ismail Zayid


Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 3:19 PM

Subject: We support your stand for free speech.


We are appalled to hear of the stand by Mcmaster University and Student Union denying you the opportunity for voicing a legitimate stand in opposition to the Israeli apartheid practices. These practices have been condemned by international and Israeli human rights groups as well as persons of honour and distinction like Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and President Carter, who knew first hand the true meaning of apartheid. The racist practices adopted by Israel, both in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as well as against Muslim and Christian citizens of Israel, are manifest to all and are clearly enshrined in Israeli laws.


The Administration of McMaster University must be asked to answer the question :" what has given Israel this unique immunity from criticism of its policies, that are racist and in clear violation of international law, an immunity that is not available to any other nation?


Thank you for your principled stand.




Ismail Zayid, MD.

President, Canada Palestine Association