From: Ismail Zayid
Cc: ; ; href="/cgi-common/webmail.cgi?cmd=url&xdata=~2-de4326fc8581e34e3e1b9122eb8389abf44d9ef0db00&!3C!2FA"> ; href="javascript:press_email('')"> ; href="/cgi-common/webmail.cgi?cmd=url&xdata=~2-de4326fc8581e34e3e1b9122eb8389abf44d9ef0db00&url=! A" href="javascript:press_email('')"> ; href="/cgi-common/webmail.cgi?cmd=url&xdata=~2-de4326fc8581e34e3e1b9122eb8389abf44d9ef0db00&url=! A" href="javascript:press_email('')"> ; href="/cgi-common/webmail.cgi?cmd=url&xdata=~2-de4326fc8581e34e3e1b9122eb8389abf44d9ef0db00&url=! A" href="javascript:press_email('')"> ;
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:01 PM
Subject: Illegal Israeli Settlement Policy.

Canada Palestine Association,
P.O.Box 1085,
Halifax, NS,
B3J 2X1
March 24, 2005.
The Hon. Mr. Pierre Pettigrew MP.,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Dear Mr. Pettigrew:
We applaud your Press Release, calling on Israel to put an end to its expansionist settlement policy and stating that "Canada has repeatedly emphasized to Israel that these settlements are inconsistent with international law" and that this policy is in violation of the commitments Israel made by agreeing to the terms of the Quartet's Roadmap.
Furthermore, we call on our government to call on Israel that to comply with international law and repeated Security Council resolutions, and terminate completely its illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, that has been allowed to stand for 38 years.
It is time that Canada and the international community must go beyond making statements and take the necessary action to bring about Israeli full compliance with international law.
How long must Israel be allowed to remain above international law?
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid,MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association.