From: Ismail Zayid
To: ; Globe & Mail
Sent: Wednesday,
January 24, 2007 11:58 AM
Subject: What about Israeli extremism?
Canada Palestine Association,
Halifax, NS, B3J 2X1
Jan. 24, 2007
The Editor,
The Globe
& Mail
Rubin's charade is laden with falsehoods {"Paying the price of
extremism" Jan. 24}.The acts of terrorism by Palestinians are miniscule
compared to the state terrorism practised by Israel. Terrorism in the Middle East was created by the Zioinst terrorist gangs that preceeded
the creation of Israel and was continued by Israel on an extensive pace thoughout the Middle East and Europe. Records of this are in volumes. As
to threats of genocide and expulsion of Jews, it is the state of Israel that has effected the ethnic
cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland in 1948 and 1967, and continues
to deny them the right of return to their homes, as asserted in the Universal
Declaration of Human rights, and repeated UN resolutions. The threat of ethnic
cleansing and genocide against Palestinians, including even Israel's own Muslim
and Christian citizens, is proclaimed by none other than Israel's current
deputy prime minister, Mr. Liebermann, amongst other Israeli leaders. Rafael Eitan stated: " We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even
one centimeter of Eretz Israel....We shall use the
ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." { Rafael Eitan, Israeli Army Chief of
Staff, 1983.} [Quoted by Rachelle Marshall in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Jan./Feb.
2007]. The claim that Christians in Palestine are threatened by
Muslims is baseless. The Bishop of Gaza stated recently that Chistians live in peace with their Muslim brothers and
their suffering is a direct oucome of oppresive Israeli occupation.
Mr. Rubin
states that "Hamas explicitly rejected the 1993 Oslo agreement and the peace
process..." Hamas was elected 13 years after the
Oslo agreement, so why was that
agreement not implemenmted before that? It
was the Israeli government which violated every article of this agreement since
He states: " Finally, helping Hamas
makes it harder to have peace in the Middle East." There has been no peace
in the Middle East for generations, long before Hamas
came into being, and this is the direct outcome of Israeli
policies including violation of international law, expansionism and
repeated wars of aggression against its neighbours,
Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, in 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982, as well
as illegal occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territory for 40 years, in
defiance of international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. Israeli
brutal practices, during this illegal occupation, have included extra-judicial
assassination, holding thousands of prisoners for years without charge or
trial, torture, daily humiliation, denial of health care and expropriation
of property for the creation of illegal colonies [settlements]. All
these acts are in violation of virtually every article of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and are
defined by international law as war
there can be peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians in this tortured
land if Israel is made to comply with
international law and UN resolutions and completely terminate its illegal
occupation of Palestinian and Syrian land. The call on Israeli apologists, and
all of us, is to plead with the international community, including our own
Canadian government, to demand that Israel should comply with international
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association.