From: Ismail Zayid
To: Guardian Weekly
Sent: Saturday,
January 27, 2007 11:25 AM
Subject: Israeli Apartheid.
Jan. 27, 2007
The Editor,
The Guardian Weekly
Dear Editor:
Jeffrey Goldberg's review of Jimmy Carter's book,
{"The world according to Jimmy" Jan. 19}, is detached from the facts
on the ground. He contests Mr. Carter's use of the term apartheid in the book's
title:"Palestine: Peace not
Apartheid." Israeli laws and practices, against Palestinians, under
illegal Israeli occupation, as well as Arab, Muslim and Christian, citizens of Israel, show clearly
the racist apartheid nature of these practices, as confirmed by international,
as well as Israeli, thinkers and authorities:
been very distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what
happened to us blacks in South Africa. I have seen the humiliation of
the Palestinians at checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young
white police officers prevented us from moving about...The current divestment
effort is the first, though certainly not the only, necessary move in that
direction."{Archbishop Desmond Tutu, The Guardian, April 29, 2002}
On, [Nov.
29, 2006], the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution ran the following op-ed, by John Dugard, a South African former
anti-apartheid leader.
He is currently the Special Rapporteur on Palestine to the United Nations Human Rights
Council. He not only compares Israeli policies to apartheid, but says
that in many ways Israeli policies are worse than South African apartheid was.
The noted
Israeli author, Maxime Ghilan,
stated in an editorial in the Feb. 1983 issue of the Paris-based magazine, Israel and Palestine, : "Israel is a Western-type democracy for Jews
only......Arabs, who are citizens of the state of Israel are less
fortunate...They are not granted equal economic priviliges, are prevented from
access to public housing and loans..."
late Professor Israel Shahak, a
Holocaust survivor and chairman of the Israeli League for Human and Civil
Rights, summed it up accurately in his statement: "It is my considered opinion that the state of
Israel is a racist state in the full
meaning of this term. In this state, people are discriminated against, in the
most permanent and legal way and in the most important areas of life, only
because of their origin. This racist discrimination began in Zionism and is
carried today mainly in co-operation with the institutions of the Zionist
(Quote taken from "The Racist Nature of Zionism and of
the Zionist State of Israel", an article published in Pi-Haaton, the weekly newspaper of
the students of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Nov. 5, 1975.)
Derek Tozer, an Israeli thinker, stated: "The official policy of the government (of Israel) is unequivocal. Arabs, like the
Jews in Nazi Germany, are officially class
B citizens, a fact which is recorded on their identity cards."
The predicament of Israels
roughly 1.2 million Arab citizens is evident, as the 2003 Israeli State Committee of Inquiry made clear: "They suffer systemic discrimination in
employment, housing and education, and lack of equal access to state
Israels "Nationality and Entering to Israel Law", passed by the cabinet in 2002,
and reaffirmed annually by the Knesset, and recently, May 2006,
reaffirmed by a wide margin in the Knesset, denies any Arab Israeli
citizen the right to reside in Israel with his/her spouse if they marry
a Palestinian. Amnesty International
and Human Rights Watch have condemned the law as racist, and Israel-based BTselem
human rights group, claims that it contravenes the Israeli Basic Law.
Shulamit Aloni, a former minister of education
in Israel, confirms the aparheid nature of
Israeli policies:"The US Jewish Establishment's onslaught on former
President Jimmy Carter is based on him daring to tell the truth which is known
to all: through its army, the government of Israel practises a brutal form of
Apartheid in the territory it occupies. Its army has turned every Palestinian
village and town into a fenced-in, or blocked-in, detention camp...... If that were not enough, the generals commanding
the region frequently issue further orders, regulations, instructions and rules
(let us not forget: they are the lords of the land). By now they have
requisitioned further lands for the purpose of constructing "Jewish only" roads.
Wonderful roads, wide roads, well-paved roads, brightly lit at night--all that
on stolen land. When a Palestinian drives on such a road, his vehicle is
confiscated and he is sent on his way.....Indeed Apartheid does exist here. ....If it were not
enough that Palestinians are not allowed to travel on the roads paved 'for Jews only', on
their land, the current GOC found it necessary to land an additional blow on
the natives in their own land with an 'ingenious proposal'......Major-General Naveh, renowned
for his superior patriotism, has issued a new order. Coming into affect on 19
January, it prohibits the conveyance of Palestinians without a permit. The order determines that Israelis are not allowed
to transport Palestinians in an Israeli vehicle...Did man of
peace President Carter truly err in concluding that Israel is creating
Apartheid? Did he exaggerate? Don't the US Jewish community leaders
recognise the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of
Racial Discrimination of 7 March 1966, to which Israel is a signatory? ....Apartheid is
defined therein as an international crime that among other things includes
using different legal instruments to rule over different racial groups, thus
depriving people of their human rights. Isn't freedom of travel one of these
now on, Israelis and International humanitarian organisations' volunteers are
prohibited from assisting a woman in labour by taking her to the hospital.
[Israeli human rights group] Yesh Din volunteers cannot take a robbed and beaten-up
Palestinian to the police station to lodge a complaint. (Police stations are
located at the heart of the settlements.)
Is there anyone who believes that this is not Apartheid?
Jimmy Carter does not
need me to defend his reputation that has been sullied by Israelophile
community officials. The trouble is that their love of Israel distorts their judgment and
blinds them from seeing what's in front of them. Israel is an occupying power that for 40 years has
been oppressing an indigenous people, which is entitled to a sovereign and
independent existence while living in peace with us. We should remember that we
too used very violent terror against foreign rule because we wanted our own
state. And the list of victims of terror is quite long and extensive." [Emphasis is
added], {" The Road is for Jews Only: Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel" Shulamit Aloni. CounterPunch, Ja.
8, 2007}
President, Canada Palestine Association.