From: Ismail Zayid
To: Globe & Mail
Sent: Thursday, August 09,
2007 8:15 AM
Subject: Israeli defiance of international
Aug. 9, 2007
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail.
Rubin, in his article {"Mideast peace efforts are just window
dressing" Aug. 9}, is completely evading the facts on the ground. He
blames the peace failure on Palestinian intransigence and disorganization. Not
a word is stated about the Israeli illegal occupation of Palestinian land, that has been allowed to stand for 40 years, in
defiance of international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. All
what Palestinian are asking for is Israeli compliance with international law
and the UN Charter by terminating completely this illegal occupation.The
disorganization that he speaks of, between Fatah and Hamas, is only few months old. Yet the Israeli
occupation and intransigence continue.
He speaks
repeatedly of Palestinian terrorism but there is no mention of Israeli state terrorism, including the extra-judicial
assassination, bombing of towns and refugee camps,killing thousands, demolition of thousands of
homes and expropriation of territory for the creation of illegal settlements.
All these acts are in violation of the
Fourth Geneva Convention and are declared, by international
law, as war crimes.
question that remains is Israel above international law?
Ismail Zayid