Original Message -----
From: Ismail Zayid
To: Halifax Herald
Cc: Dauphinee, Bev
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:31 AM
Subject: Whose right to exist?
Canada Palestine Association,
Halifax, NS. B3J 2X1
Feb. 21, 2007
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald.
editorial {" No closer to peace" Feb. 20} and your columnist, Paul Schneidereit: {"It's a matter of having the right to
exist" Feb. 20}, display an extraordinary indulgence for Israel by making excuses and
justification for its policies, that stand in violation of international law.
You demand that the Palestinian government, led by Hamas,
should recognise Israel's right to exist. Hamas has in fact accepted, in the recent Mecca
Accord, the two-state solution; thus, in essence, recognising
Israel's existence. However, should you also not ask for Israel to be required to recognise the Palestinian state's right to exist within
secure borders, under its democratically elected government, without Israel's continuing actions to annex
Palestinian territory? You demand that Hamas renounce
violence, when Hamas, in fact, has declared a
longstanding truce. Should Israel not also be required to
renounce violence, including targetted assassinations
of Palestinian leaders and repeated military incursions into the West Bank and Gaza, killing hundreds and demolishing
thousands of homes? Hamas is being required to
abide by previous agreements, which Hamas has
declared, in the Mecca Accord, its willingness to respect. Should Israel not also be required to abide by
previous agreements with the Palestinians, especially those that barred the
establishment of new Israeli illegal settlements and the expansion of the
existing ones in the West Bank? The expansion and creation of new settlements stand in
defiance of the Oslo Accord, 1993, with the Palestinians, and the
requirements specified by the Quartet, of the US, UN, Russia and the EU. Yet, strangely, none of
these demands are being asked of Israel.
The lack of
peace in this tortured land is blamed on Hamas. Yet, Hamas came to authority only one year ago. The truth
is that there is no peace there because of the illegal oppressive Israeli
occupation that has been allowed to stand for 40 years, in defiance of
international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. Why is there
no clear demand of Israel to comply with Security Council
resolutions? Security Council resolution # 242 is stpulated
as the basis for the Oslo Accord and the Quartet Road Map.
Mr. Schneidereit describes the call, by critics, for Israel to define its borders to allow for
recognition, as sophistry. Israeli leaders refused to define its borders when
it was created in May 1948. Israeli first prime minister,
David Ben Gurion, had different plans, after Israel had already conquered 50% of the
territory that was apportioned for the Palestinian Arab state by the UNGA
Partition Resolution # 181, of Nov. 29, 1947. He stated in 1954: " We have created a dynamic state bent upon
expansion." And the palns for expansion
continued in the various wars Israel waged against it neighbours in 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982 and the recent
expansionist designs expressed by Mr. Olmert. Israel is the only state in the world that
has no defined borders and refuses to define them. Mr. Schneidereit states :" The nation of Israel is recognised
by the United Nations and countries around the world." Perhaps it is
relevant to remind Mr. Schneidereit that Israel was
admitted to the UN on the basis of UNGA resolution #273, of May 11, 1949, which
required Israeli implementation of the UN Partition resolution # 181 and the UN
resolution #194, Dec. 11, 1948, explicitly stipulating the Right of
Return for the Palestinian refugees who were expelled or fled from their homes.
Neither of these two conditions has been implemented by Israel, making Israeli UN membership of
questionable legitimacy.
Finally, it
must be emphasised that peace and security for
Israelis and Palestinians must be attained, in this tortured land. This will be
achieved only if Israel is made to comply with
international law and UN resolutions, and the Palestinians accept to live in peace
with their Israeli neighbours.
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association.