Subject:Fw: Al-Haq 94 page report re JNF's
illegal "CanadaPark"
April 3, 2008.
Ms. Alexa McDonough, MP.
Dear Ms.
I am
writing to you, as my MP, again about the failure of our government to put
an end to the incredible state of affairs where the Jewish National Fund of
Canada [JNF] continues to be allowed the charitable status, under which our tax
dollars are being used to support the racist practices and war crimes the the JNF carries out or sustains in Israel and the
illegally- Occupied Palestinian Territories [OPT]. In particular, I wish
to refer to the infamy, called Canada
Park, built and sustained by the JNF of Canada on the ruins of
the three villages of Imwas [Emmaus], Yalu and BeitNuba
[my own hometown]. These three villages, in the West Bank, were systematically dynamited
and bulldozed, in June 1967, by the Israeli army, on the direct orders of
Yitzhak Rabin, the then chief of staff of the Israeli army. This act is clearly
identified by the Fourth Geneva Convention and international law as a war crime, and thus making Canada complicit in this war crime. As
well, former Israeli Knesset member, Uri Avnery, and
other Israeli thinkers called this action a war crime and found it difficult to
understand why Canada would allow its name to be used as
a cover-up for such a war crime.
personally brought to your office in Halifax, as my MP, a copy of the
documentary: "
Park with no
Peace" prepared by the CBC Fifth Estateprogramme and
broadcast in October 1991, confirming these facts. I asked you then, and again
in correspondence to take appropriate political action to bring to an end this
fraudulent stand where JNF of Canada is granted a charitable status, while
participating in war crimes in the illegally-OPT.
I wish to draw your attention to the Report, referred to
below, covering this very issue, by Al-Haq, in collaboration
with Zochrot, human rights
activists in Israel, which carefully discusses this war crime and its
perpetrators, direct and complicit. I will also forward to you, separately, an
article I wrote titled : " Canada Park: Canadian Complicity in a War
Crime", in the Sept./Oct. 2001 issue of OUTLOOK, published by Canadian Jewish Outlook Society, Vancouver.
It is my
request to you and our honourable politicians to deal
with this issue appropriately, in the service of our country and our citizens,
who should not allow our tax dollars to be in the service of such a war crime.