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20:39:05 -0300 From: Ismail Zayid
<izayid@eastlink.ca> Subject: Fw: Is that
your concept of democracy?! To: Fadil Elsheik
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We read
with astonishment and disbelief your
statement, quoted in The Canadian Jewish News, Oct.
2, 2008: We
need to recognize that Israel
is the bulwark of democracy and healthy society in the
Middle East...."
This notion of Israeli democracy defies credibility. Israel
practices blatant racism against The Palestinian people under occupation as
well as it own Muslim and Chistian citizens. This is
a fact clearly illustrated in Israeli laws and practices. The statements by
these distinguished authorities illustrate that:
The late Professor Israel Shahak,
a Holocaust survivor and Chairperson of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights,
sums it up accurately in his statement: " It is my considered
opinion that the state of Israel is a
racist state in the full meaning of this term. In this state, people are
discriminated against, in the most permanent and legal way and in the most important
areas of life, only because of their origin. This racist discrimination began
in Zionism and is carried today mainly in cooperation with the institutions of
the Zionist movement."{"The Racist Nature of Zionism and of the
Zionist State of Israel", article published in Pi-Ha'aton, the weekly newspaper of
the students of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Nov.5, 1975}.
"I've been very
distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us
blacks in South Africa. I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at
checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers
prevented us from moving about..." [Archbishop Desmond Tutu,
Dec. 1989].
practices against the Palestinian people, under this illegal
brutal occupation, include extra-judicial assasination,
imprisonment of thousands without charge or trial, torture, daily humiliation,
denial of health care and basic needs of humanity, demolition of thousand of
homes and expropriation of property for the creation of illegal Jewish colonies
on stolen Palestinian land, are all in violation of virtually every article of
the Fourth Geneva
Convention, and
are accordingly deemed, by international law, as war crimes.
There is
a great deal more to Israeli defiance of international law and the maintenance
of this illegal occupation for over 41 years, in defiance of repeated Security
Council resolutions, besides other manifestations of its racist practices
against its own non-Jewish citizens that would take volumes to relate.
Thus, we
find your statement about Israeli democracy unbelievable and contrary to what
we were led to understood that the Green Party stands for true democracy
and and human rights nationally and internationally.
Have we been misled in this belief? We will welcome your answer.