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by ip02.eastlink.ca with SMTP; Sun, 10 Aug 2008 13:41:49 -0300 Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008
13:43:32 -0300 From: Ismail Zayid
<izayid@eastlink.ca> Subject: Fw: A just
Cause. Letter to The Chronicle Herald. Aug. 10, 2008 To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;> Message-id: <003e01c8fb08$3b117890$7f830747@ismailfaa19ba7> MIME-version: 1.0 X-MIMEOLE: Produced By
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Dave Burris
makes, in his letter Aug. 8, incredible statements. He states: "I wonder
why some are motivated to take up the Palestinian cause." The answer to
that is very simple. Their cause is Just. The Palestinian people, as documented
by many Israeli historians, including IlanPappe in his recent book, "The Ethnic Cleansing of
Palestine", were expelled from their native
land by byIsrael. Over 750,000 Palestinians were
driven out or fled in 1947/1948 and 531 Palestinian towns and villages were
demolished. Mr. Burris makes the extraordinary statement that " The Israelis certainly occupy the moral high
ground." The statement by the noted British historian, Professor
Arnold Toynbee, can perhaps answer that. In 1961, in a lecture at McGillUniversity, Professor Toynbee told his largely
Jewish audience: "The Jewish treatment of the Arabs in 1947 was as morally
indefensible as the slaughter by the Nazis of six million Jews....The most
tragic thing in human life is when people who have suffered impose suffering in
their turn."
In June 1967 Israel, in a war of
naked aggression, invaded and occupied Egyptian Sinai, the Syrian Golan
Heights and the remaining Palestinian territories and drove out
another 350.000 Palestinian refugees and systematically demolished the
villages of Imaws, Yalu and
BeitNuba [my own
hometown.] To this day, 41 years later, Israel is maintaining its illegal
occupation of the Palestinian and Syrian territories, in defiance of
international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. Throughout this
occupation of Palestinian territories, Israeli practices include extra-judicial
assassination, detention of thousands without charge or trial, torture,
daily humiliation at over 500 checkpoints, demolition of thousands of homes and
expropriation of land for the creation of illegal colonies [settlements]. All
these practices are in violation of virtually every article of the Fourth
Geneva Convention and are defined, by international law, as war crimes, and have
been condemned by all international human rights groups including Amnesty
international and Human Rights Watch, as well as Israeli human rights organisation, B'Tselem.
Is this the
high moral ground that Mr. Burris advocates?
Puzzling cause
Re: the recent letters commenting on the Middle East situation. I wonder why some are
motivated to take up the Palestinian cause, although I understand Dr. IsmailZayid’s view since he says
that he and his family were evicted from their home in Israel during the 1948 war.
I don’t agree with his arguments, but I can appreciate his position. For those
who have no personal stake, then, what is their motivation? After all, it is
not the Israelis who send suicide bombers, or indiscriminately rain down
rockets on Palestinian towns and villages. But that is what the Palestinians
have been doing to the Israelis for decades now.
The Israelis certainly occupy the moral high ground. Perhaps those on the other
side are just honing their debating skills to demonstrate how well they can
defend the indefensible, or perhaps they just want to see the reaction from the
Israeli side, or maybe it is the obvious: they actually believe their own