From: Ismail Zayid
To: Halifax Herald
Cc: Bev Dauphinee
Sent: Tuesday, February
12, 2008 12:29 PM
Subject: Distortion of facts.
Feb. 12, 2008
The Editor,
The Chronicle Herald.
Forsythe, in his letter:{"Media biased" Feb.
12}, displays extraordinary distortion of facts and bias. He relates the injury
of six in Siderot as a result of the barrage of rockets fired by the Palestinians in Gaza, as well as the tragic killing of
the elderly innocent woman in the suicide bombing in Dimona.
However, he takes no note of the continuing Israeli forces killing of Palestinians
and the brutal practices and violation of human rights to which the
Palestinians are subjected to under the illegal occupation.
The Israeli
human rights organisation, B'Tselem,
confirms in its report of Dec. 31, 2007, that the Israeli forces killed, in
2007, 373 Palestinians, 290 in Gaza and 83 in the West Bank, of whom 131 were non-combatants
and 53 were children. During that period, 13 Israelis were killed. In January
2008, B'Tselem reports that 108 Palestinians and 3
Israelis were killed.
The killing
of innocent civilians, be they Israelis or
Palestinians, is abhorent and must be condemned by
all. It is time that Israel and its apologists must come to
understand that Peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians will be
assured only when Israel is willing to comply with
international law and the UN resolutions and completely terminate its
illegal occpation of the Palestinian territories, that has been allowed to stand for over 40
Ismail Zayid, MD.