To the people of BEIT NUBA
my own home town, which was
systematically erased from the face
of the earth by the disciples of
After the 1967 war the inhabitants of several villages in the area, including among others those of Beit Nuba and Yalu, were forcibly removed and their homes destroyed. There was no question here of people being compelled to move as a result of military action. That same autumn I drove past the places where the villages had been and once or twice I noticed Arab peasants sitting around, apparently with nothing to do, in the afternoon sunlight. Once I stopped and asked on of them where the village of Yalu was. He said, "Yalu is destroyed; you can only find it in our hearts". He and others had not learned to forget their home, and continued to return to a spot which had helped them to remember happier days."
General Odd Bull, Chief of Staff of United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation (UNTSO), War and Peace in the Middle East, 1976, pp 60-61