Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: How about internationl law?
Canada Palestine Association,
P.O.Box, 1085,
Halifax, NS. B3J 2X1
Dec. 18, 2005
Dear Ms. McDonough:
As a long-time voting supporter of yours in federal
and provincial elections, I am deeply disappointed to see that you are a
member of the " Canada Israel Friendship Group". This group, is
defined by its Chair, Marlene Jennings, in these terms: "The
Canada-Israel "Friendship" Group is a unique forum where all Parliamentarians
that support Israel, regardless of their political creed, have an
opportunity to come together and work for a common cause."
I do not need to inform you that the state of Israel stands in defiance of
repeated UN Security Council resolutions and maintains an illegal brutal
occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territory for 38 years. Its practices
during this occupation are in violation of virtually every article ot the
Fourth Geneva Convention, and thus defined by
international law as war crimes. Its racist and
apartheid practices, against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, as well
as its own Muslim and Christian citizens, have been confirmed and
condemned by all international human rights groups, including UN Human
Rights Commission, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Israeli Human
Rights groups, including B'Tselem and the Israeli League for Human and Civil
It was my belief that you, as well as the NDP party stood for the UN
Charter, international law and global human rights, including even
those of the Palestinian people.
My confidence, as well as that of many people who
stand in support of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people as affirmed
by repeated UN resolutions, is shattered by your membership of this group as
well as your lack of response to three letters I have written you this year
related to statements you and NDP members made related to the Palestine/Israel
conflict; letters also copied to Mr. Layton.
We await, in patience, for your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine