Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 11:25 PM
Subject: Fw: Open letter to Jack Layton on NDP/Middle
Dear Ms. Alexa McDonough, MP.
I wish to thank you for your message addressed to our group,
Canadians, Arabs and Jews for a Just Peace [CAJJP], expressing
your support for our Wall Project, on October 2, 2004, in our
protest against the erection of this abhorent apartheid wall,
which stands in defiance of international law, the UN General Assembly and
the ruling of the International Court of Justice [ICJ], and in
the continuing violation of the human rights of Palestinians and in violation of
the Fourth Geneva Convention. These acts constitue war
crimes, as defined by international law.
With this in mind, we are astonished to see the deafening silence of
the NDP party on the stand of our government on
the ICJ ruling and the voting at the UN, a concern that is
expressed in the letter, below, to Mr. Layton, as well as the implied
support for Israeli policies as expressed in the visit of some NDP
members of parliament and other party officials to Israel,
sposored by Canada Israel Committee etc.
We applaud your stand as expressed in your message to the
CAJJP, and express our concern as to the apparent lack of
a similar stand in the official party policy, in regards to the oppressive and
illegal practices committed by Israel in the illegally occupied Palestinian
territories, an illegal occupation that has been allowed to stand for 37 years,
in defiance of international law and repeated Security Council
As a supporter of the NDP party, I hope that the party will stand
firmly in supporting international legitimacy and international law and
the legitimate cause of the Palestinian people, and standing firmly against
Israeli violations of international law.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association.