Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 9:23
Subject: " Systemic cruelty in the Occupied
Feb. 17,2002
The Editor:
The Gazette.
Dear Editor:
Congratulations to The Gazette
on publishing the article by Rebecca Grant :{ "Systemic cruelty in
the occupied territories.." Feb. 15}.
Rebecca Grant tells it exactly as it is. An illegal
Israeli oppressive occupation has been allowed to stand for 35 years, in
defiance of international law and repeated Security Council resolutions.
The Palestinian people have been subjected to daily humiliation, demolition of
thousands of their homes, expropriation of their land for the creation of
illegal Jewish settlements, detention without charge or trial, torture,
extrajudicial assassination and systemic violation of their human rights. All
these acts are taking place in violation of The Fourth Geneva
Convention, to which Israel is a signatory. Ironically, the Fourth
Geneva Convention was formulated in 1949 to prevent the recurrence of the crimes
committed by the Nazis agianst civilians, mainly Jews in Europe. Yet, today,
Israel is in defiance of virtually every article of the Convention, for which it
has been condemned by the UN Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International and
Israeli human rights groups, including B'Tselem, and
Israeli Commission for Human and Civil Rights.
It is the duty of the world community to call for
immediate termination of this illegal occupation and for Israel to comply with
international law, allowing the uprooted Palestinian refugees the right of
choice to return to their homes, in compliance with The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and UN resolution # 194. This will bring to
an end the deplorable killing of innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians and
ensure security and peace for both peoples.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid