From: <>
Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:12 AM
Subject: A24890-2004 IN REPLY TO YOUR E-MAIL
Dr. Ismail Zayid
Canada Palestine
Dr. Zayid:
Thank you for your e-mail of December 2, 2004, concerning
Middle East policy and, in particular, our voting pattern at the
Nations. I regret the delay in replying to you.
policy in the Middle East remains unchanged. Our votes on
Nations resolutions related to the Middle East are not directed
for or
against one party or the other. Rather, Canada's votes are based
on the
fundamental principles guiding our foreign policy, taking into
account the
situation in the region under consideration and the texts of
resolutions. We also expect that texts reflect a fair-minded view
the subjects they address, which is not always the case.
Canada judges
each resolution on its merits, consistent with the tenets
of Canada's policy
in the Middle East. If a resolution is consistent
with our policy, we
support it; if not, we abstain or vote against.
Taking into account the
opening of new opportunities for peace in the
Middle East and after a careful
review of all drafts, we decided to
change our vote on three resolutions at
the 59th Session of the United
Nations General Assembly. As Canada's
Permanent Representative to the
United Nations, the Honourable Allan Rock,
said in his statement to the
United Nations General Assembly, we have
long-standing concerns that
many of the resolutions do not contribute to
strengthening dialogue or
enhancing trust between the parties. We voted
against two resolutions,
namely the Work of the Special Committee to
Investigate Israeli
Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian
People and Other
Arabs of the Occupied Territories and the Committee on the
Exercise of
the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People because we
believe the
value of these committees is highly questionable.
Concurrently, we voted in favour of the resolution on the Risk
Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East. This resolution is
with our nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation policy and
non-proliferation efforts in the region.
In addition, we
abstained on a resolution on Israeli Practices Affecting
the Human Rights of
the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, Including East
Jerusalem because a new operative paragraph on
suicide bombing attacks
targeting Israeli civilians expressed "grave
concerns" instead of condemning
the attacks. We could not accept the
implicit double standard behind
such new choice of language and
therefore felt compelled to abstain. We
indicated to the sponsors that
Canada could support the resolution if the
language was "condemn". We
continue to believe that ultimately only a
negotiated settlement between
the parties will lead to a just and lasting
peace in the Middle East and
to prosperity and democracy for all the peoples
in the region. We do not
support any unilateral action that might prejudice
the outcome of a
negotiated solution. Canada continues to fully support
the Quartet's
Road Map for peace, and we expect both parties to comply with
obligations as outlined in the Road Map. We welcome the
Government of
Israel's announced withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West
Bank, and
hope that this positive step will lead to a resumption of the Road
Thank you again for taking the time to
Pierre S.