Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:09 AM
Subject: Zionist myths.
March 28, 2006
The Editor;
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
Mr. Joel Jacobson, in his article: {" An
eye-opening, emotional day in Israel" March 27}, states ;" As we drive through
northern Galilee, we see the remarkable accomplishments of Israelis. In
1948, the Jews were given a small piece of Middle East land as a homeland.
It was mostly dry and barren, more desert than arable." He is, thus,
reproducing the long-discredited Zionist myth that Palestine was desert
and the Zionist programme was to "make the desert bloom." In fact, Palestinian
agriculture flourished for centuries before Zionist colonization began at the
end of the nineteenth century. Accounts of Jewish and other scholars and
travellers testify to that.
Ahad Ha'am, a leading Zionist thinker visited
Palestine in 1891 and wrote: " We, abroad, have a way of
thinking that Palestine today is almost
desert, an uncultivated wilderness.......But this is not in fact the case. It is
dufficult to find any uncultivated land anywhere in the country." [Am
Scheidewage p.86.]. Sir Moses Montefiore, who travelled to Palestine in
1839 to look for agricultural lands to acquire, described the eastern Galilee as
covered with "groves of olive trees, I should think more than five hundred years
old, vineyards, much pasture, plenty of wells and abundant excellent water; also
fig trees, walnuts, almonds, mulberries etc., and rich fields of wheat, barley
and lentils." In the area around Djaouna he found "the highest of
cultivation....the inhabitants were good farmers and possessed horses, cows,
sheep and goats in great abundance." [Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady
Montefiore. p.169,175-176.]
The American missionary, William Thompson, visited
all the areas of Palestine between 1832 and 1876 and discovered rich
agricultural development throughout the land. Outside Bethlehem, he viewed "the
greenery of wheat." Approaching Ramallah, he found "vineyards covering the
surrounding hills which were filled with figs and olives, while apples,
pomegranates and other fruits were abundant,......near Jenin the soil is planted
with cucumber, melons and maize,"....towards Acre he crossed "the
green expanse of meadows;" in the Galilee, he found "olive groves"
[The Land and the book, p.24, 107.166,
I think Mr Jacobson and your readers need to study
history a little more carefully.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD