From: Ismail Zayid
To: Halifax Herald
Cc: Dauphinee, Bev
Sent: Saturday,
May 27, 2006
8:56 PM
Subject: Double standards.
Canada Palestine Association,
Halifax, NS, B3J 2X1
May 27,2006
The Editor,
The Chronicle Herald.
editorial: {" Abbas's gambit" May 27}, asks Hamas and the
newly-elected palestinian
government to recognise the state of Israel. Will your editor, kindly, tell us which
state of Israel is Hamas and the new palestinian
government required to recognise? Israel, since its inception, has refused to define its
borders. Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, stated
in 1954 in his diaries after Israel had already conquered 78% of historic Palestine: " The status Quo will
not do. We have created a dynamic state, bent upon expansion."
Accordingly, Israel proceeded in a series of wars of aggression against
its neihgbours, Egypt, Syria, Palestine
and Lebanon, in 1956, 1967, 1978 and 1982, to plan and work
for this expansionist program. Israel's current prime minister, Ehud Olmert, has declared
recently that he plans to annex the major illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as well as East
Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley, leaving a few small non-contiguous bantustans for a so-called Palestinian state. Be that as it
may, this call for recognition is a pretext used to continue the oppression of
the Palestinian people. The P.L.O. has for decades and
repeatedly expressed recognition of Israel, but where did that get the so-called peace process
and the basic requirement for Israel to comply with international law?
Your editor
states: " The world community is right to refuse
to deal with a government that cannot agree to basic international rules, such
as renouncing terrorism." This makes one wonder why is Israel deemed to be above international
law and rules. Israel has been since its inception
creating and practicing state terrorism in the Middle East and through out the world, against
not only Palestinians but British and US
diplomatic persons and institutions as well as innocent Jewish refugees and
worshippers { See " Israeli terrorism", The Halifax Herald. Nov.
4,2001.} Israeli brutal practices in the Occupied Territories are in violation of virtually every
article of the Fourth Geneva Convention, including extra-judicial
assassination, torture, daily humiliation, denial of health care, demolition of
thousands of homes and exoropriation of property for
the creation of illegal colonies [settlements]. These violations are defined by
international law as war crimes, and have been condemned by all international
human rights bodies, incuding UN Human Rights
Commission, Amnesty International, Human rights Watch and Israeli human rights
groups, including B'Tselem.
You refer
to the total breakdown of Palestinian society, as a result of denial of food
health care resulting from the policies of Israel and the US and its allies, including Canada. Israel, the occupying power, is required
by international law and the Fourth Geneva convention to ensure the
well-being of the people under occupation, and the failure to do that is
identified as a war crime.
It is vital
to remind your readers that Israel is maintaining an illegal
occupation of Palstinian and Syrian land for 39
years, in defiance of international law and repeated Security Council and UNGA
resolutions. Surely, your call should be for complete, unconditional and
immediate termination of this illegal occupation and compliance with UN resolutions
so that the oppressed Palestinian people are allowed the restoration of their
basic human rights.
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association.