Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 3:22
Subject: Yes, Objectivity,
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald
April, 7, 2001
Dear Editor:
Your correspondent Mr. Rob Bednarik
["Objectivity,please"April 7] in responding to my letter {
"Safire's diatribe" March 27}calls for more objectivity. I applaud
that, and wish that both of your correspondents, on the subject, would apply
Mr. Bednaric says that "Israel's need
for quiet" and "the Palestinians' need for freedom from illegal
foreign occupation" are symbiotic. I agree with that, but he forgets that
Israel's lack of "quiet"
is a direct result of its illegal occupation
of Palestinian territory, associated with the most brutal violation of their
human rights, that has been allowed to stand for 34 years, in defiance of
international law. The peace and quiet for the settlers would be obtained if
they dismantle their illegal settlements and return the land to
their rightful owners.
The heroic struggle of the Lebanese
resistance movements, that I spoke of, is their struggle to liberate their land
from Israel's illegal occupation that remained, in defiance of Security Council
resolution # 425, for 22 years. Kidnapping and holding hostages is criminal, in
my opinion, regardless of the perpetrator. Interstingly, Mr.Bednarik omits to
tell us that, to this day, Israel still holds 13 Lebanese hostages,including the
two men of religion, Sheikhs Obeid and Dirani, who were kidnapped from their
homes in Lebanon.
As to the statement that " Israel...has
not been linked with chemical and biological wepons", this contradicts the
facts. Let me remind him of Daniel Paul's column in The Halifax
Herald {'' Where is outrage over
Israel's work on Biological weapon" Jan. 15, 1999}, referring to the
article in The Sunday Herald {" The Ethnic
Bomb: Israeli weapon would kill Arabs, spare Jews" Nov. 15, 1998}. This
report was taken from The Sunday Times of
London,authored by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin.They reported on research work to develop an
"ethnic bomb" that "would kill
Arabs and spare Jews". The report stated that :"The programme is based
at the biological institute in Nes Tziyona, the main
research facility for Israel's clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological
weapons. The report went on to say that :" A scientist there said the task
was hugely complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of semitic origin",
but he added : "They have,however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular
characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly
the Iraqi people". "The disease could be spread by spraying the
organisms[genetically modified bacterium or virus] into the air or putting them
in water supplies. The research mirrors biological studies conducted by South
African scientists during the Apartheid era and revealed in testimony
before the the Truth and Reconciliation Commission". Dedi Zucker, a member
of Knesset ,the Israeli parliament, denounced the research stating:
"Morally, based on our history,and our tradition and our experience, such a
weapon is monstrous and should be denied." The report went on to say:"
A Pentagon report warned last year that biological agents could be genetically
engineered to produce new lethal weapons. William Cohen,the[then] American
defence secretary, revealed that he had received reports of countries working to
create "certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic-specific". A
senior Western intelligence source confirmed that Israel was one of the
countries Cohen had in mind. The report stated that "The idea of a Jewish
state conducting such research has already provoked outrage in some quarters
because of parallels with the genetic experiments of Dr. Joseph Mengele, the
Nazi scientist at Auschwitz".
It is intersting to note that the
Nes Tziyona Institute for Biological Research was
actively involved with the Israeli El Al plane
carrying imported toxic and poisonous gases from the USA, which crashed in
1992 in Amsterdam killing and injuring scores on the ground, which initiated an
inquiry in The Netherlands, confirming this cargo, as reported in
The Globe and Mail, Feb. 8, 1999.
Yes, please let us have more
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid, MD.