Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 11:50
Subject: Blaming the
19 Aug. 2001
The Editor:
The Halifax Herald:
Dear Editor:
In your editorial {"Escalation"
Aug. 18} you are again blaming the victims, the Palestinians, for the violence
and terror in the occupied Palestinian territories. You justify the extraducial
murder of Palestinians and the F16 and the helicopter gunships rocketing and
missiles killing Palestinian men, women and children. the label of terrorists is
liberally applied to Palestinians, but never to Israeli soldiers or settlers
casually shooting and murdering Palestinian children. At no time the word
"occupation" is mentioned. Are you aware that the
Palestinians have been subjected to the most oppressive illegal occupation,
including humiliation, torture,collective punishments, expropriation of their
land for the creation of illegal settlements, demolition of thousands of their
homes and uprooting of thousands of their olive trees and orchards? These
practices have been described by the International Committee of the Red Cross as
war crimes and by a U.N official as "an affront to civilisation."The
late Professor Israel Shahak,who was Chairman of Israeli League for Civil and
Human Rights, described this occupation in these words: " The Israeli occupation regime in the occupied one of the most cruel and repressive regimes in modern
times." It is relevant to point out that international law entitles all
peoples,including even the Palestinian peole, to resist foreign
occupation. U.N. resolution 31/34 of Nov. 1976 reaffirms " the legitimacy
of the peoples' struggle for independence,territorial integrity and liberation
from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available
means,including armed struggle."
It is of relevance to this issue to correct
the history of your correspondent Mr. Hennigar [letter Aug. 17] who quotes some
of the myths of Golda Meier. In 1948, when Israel was created, the Jews in
Palestine owned exactly 5.6% of the land. the rest has been since then illegally
expropriated. Incidentally it was Mrs Meier who told The Sunday
Times in 1969 :"There was no such thing as Palestinians. They
did not exist." As to his statement that it was the Arabs who launched the
1967 six day war, I will let Israel's own leaders at the time relate the facts
in their own words. Yitzhak Rabin, Chief of Staff of
Israel's army at the time stated: " I do not think Nasser wanted war. The
two divisions he sent to Sinai would not have been sufficient to launch an
offensive war. He knew it and we knew it" {Le Monde, Feb.
28,1968}. Menachem Begin, while prime minister, addressing Israel's Defeence
College on Aug. 8,1982,stated: " In June 1967,we again had a choice. The
Egyptian army concentrations in Sinai did not prove that Nasser was really about
to attack us. We must be honest with our selves. We decided to attack him"
{The New York Times, Aug. 21,1982}.
Alas there is a need for some honesty and a
measure of justice if there is to be peace in The Holy Land and bring to an end
the needless murder of Palestinians and Israelis. For this to happen, the words
of Rabbi Eric Yoffe, President of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, in
his address to the Union, are relevant. He stated: " In order for there to
be peace, Israel must end her occupation and her rule over the Palestinian
peole." This would be in compliance with international law and repeated
Security Council resolutions.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid,MD.