From: Ismail Zayid
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 4:38 PM
Subject: Fw:
Medieval siege of 1.4 million souls in Gaza
To our political
leaders and members of parliament:
Thanks to our government's
policies, together with those of the US and EU, in subservience to Israeli diktats, millions
of innocent Palestinian men women and children are being subjected to
starvation and denial of the most basic elemental requirements for health care
and survival. As we saw on the CBC report, by Adrienne
Arsenault, yesterday May, 7, on Newsworld
report, patients are unable to receive the medicines they need and the
healthcare they requrie. These are war crimes
committed by Israel, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. We
call on our government not to allow Canada's good name to be besmirched in this atrocity or
to be complicit in allowing this tragedy
and slow murder of Palestinian peolpe, to continue.
The report below from Gaza confirms this ongoing calamity.
We appeal to
all those who claim to have elements of humanity to act now to bring this
tragedy to an end.
Ismail Zayid, MD.