Cc: ;
M.Gille Duceppe ; ;
href="/cgi-common/webmail.cgi?cmd=url&xdata=~2-de4326fc8581e34e3e1b9122eb8389abf44d9ef0db00&url=M.Gille" href="javascript:press_email('')">Mr.
Jack Layton ;
href="javascript:press_email('')">Alexa McDonough
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 11:11 AM
Subject: Canada in the UN.
Canada Palestine Association,
P.O.Box 1085,
Halifax, NS, B3J 2X1.
Dec. 2, 2004.
The Hon. Mr. Pierre Pettigrew, MP.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Dear Mr. Pettigrew:
We read with astonishment the reported statement of Ambassador
Allan Rock, at the United Nations, on Nov.30,2004, "delivering a scathing
denunciation of the General Assembly's resolutions isolating and attacking
Israel", as reported in The Globe & Mail, Dec. 1.
Ambassador Rock affirms Canada's " support for Israel,
especially its right to live in peace with its neighbours within secure
boundaries...... and Canada recognizes Israel right to assure its own security."
Is Ambassador Rock aware that Israel, throughout its history, has been
conducting wars of aggression against its neighbours including
wars in 1956,1967,1978 and 1982, against Egypt,Jordan, Syria and Lebanon? Is
ambassador Rock aware that Israel stands today in illegal occupation
of Palestinian territory, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and
the Gaza Strip, and Syrian territory, the Golan Heights, for 37 years,
in defiance of international law and repeated Security Council
resolutions? During this illegal oppressive occupation, Israel has been
committing atrocities, including detention of thousands without charge or
trial, torture, extra-judicial assassination, denial of health care, daily
humiliation, demolition of thousands of homes, including entire villages, and
expropriation of property for the creation of illegal Jewish colonies
[settlements], and other forms of collective punishment.
All these actions are in violation of virtually every article of the
Fourth Geneva Convention, actions that are defined by
international law as war crimes.
The killing of innocent Israeli civilians, in suicide
bombing, by desperate individuals under oppressive occupation, is abhorent, as
is the almost daily killing of Palestinians by the missile attacks and bombing
by Israeli F16's and Apaches, destroying homes and creating homelessness for
thousands. If Israel truly cares for the security of its
citizens, all it has to do is to comply with international law
and terminate completely its illegal occupation.
It was our understanding that Canada stands for
international legitimacy and upholding the UN Charter. If this position still
stands, Canada's UN ambassador and government should be calling on the UN to
enforce its numerous resolutions calling on Israel to terminate its illegal
occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territory and comply with
international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. It is noteworthy to
remind our government that in accordacnce with Article One of the Fourth
Geneva Convention and as a High Contracting Party
to the convention, Canada should take action to see that Israel
is made to comply with the Convention.
Yours sincerely.
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association.