Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:39
Subject: A viable Palestinian
In your program today, Ed Morgan,of Canadian Jewish Congress, states
there is adequate land for the Palestinians in the Barak offer of 40% of the
West Bank. The West Bank,including East Jerusalem, and Gaza constitute a mere
22% of historic Palestine, the land of the Palestinian people who still legally
own 94% of the entire land of Palestine.
There was little mention of the fact that the Israeli occupation, of
the West Bank,including East Jerusalem, and Gaza, is illegal and has been
allowed to stand for over 35 years in defiance of international law and repeated
Security Council resolutions. For any peace to be secured for Israelis and
Palestinians, there must be complete Israeli withdrwal from
these territories and full compliance with UN resolutions, including the
Right of Return for the Palestinian refugees who were
systematically expelled and ethnically cleansed from their
Ismail Zayid, MD.