From: Ismail Zayid
To: Chester Clipper
Sent: Monday,
August 28, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Israel defiance of international law.
19 Bucaneer Road,
East Chester, NS.
B0J 1J0
Tel: 275
The Editor,
The Chester Clipper.
Mr. Warren
Laws, in his letter{"Measuring all responses to
crisis" Aug. 22}, rightly states that "Israel's response to Hezbollah's
provocations has been ..... disproportionate.
And yes, our government's unqualified support of Israel's "self defense" is misguided".
Yet, he contests your calling Israel the aggressor. However, as Gwynne
Dyer shows, in his opinion column in the same page, that the military
action that brought about the capture of the two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah
was the outcome of a deliberate provocation planned long ahead by Israel and
the Bush administration, to bring about this attack on Lebanon. The noted
journalist, Seymour Hersh, reported: "According to a Middle East expert with knowledge of the current thinking of both
the Israeli and the U.S. governments, Israel had devised a plan for attacking Hezbollah - and
shared it with Bush Administration officials - well before the July 12th. kidnappings."{ The New Yorker, Aug. 21, 2006.}
That is not to forget that Israel has kidnapped over 9,000 Palestinians and Lebanese,
who have been held for decades, mostly without charge or trial in what Israel calls 'Administrative Detention'. And that is not to
mention that Israel is in illegal occupation of Palestinian, Syrian and
Lebanese territory for 39 years, in defiance of international law and repeated
Security Council resolutions, making Lebanese military action, against a
foreign occupier, legitimate.
has declared that the Israeli attacks on Lebanon are war crimes.
Israel was in violation of Security
Council Ceasefire Resolution # 1701 within days of its enactment, by
landing troops in the Beqaa valley in Lebanon. Israel's history of contiuing violation of scores of UN resolutions and the
Fourth Geneva Convention, is longstanding.
Israel must not be allowed to remain above
international law.
Ismail Zayid, MD.