From: Ismail Zayid
Subject: Gazette Editorial
Canada Palestine Association
P.O.Box, 1085
Halifax, NS.
B3J 2X1
The Editor,
The Dalhousie Gazette
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS.
24 Oct. 2000
Dear Editor:
The Gazette’s editorial ["Staring into the cultural chasm", Oct. 19], by Amy Durant, is shallow, narrow-minded and totally lacking in sensitivity to human suffering.
The current conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is a direct outcome of a calculated Zionist policy of systemic ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from their homeland and illegal occupation of their land. The West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem have been under illegal Israeli occupation since 1967, in defiance of international law and Security Council resolutions. The Palestinians, under this oppressive illegal occupation, have been dehumanised and tortured, their land expropriated, their homes and villages demolished and totally denied evey aspect of human rights, as documented by Amnesty International, U.N. Human Rights Commission, and Israel’s own human rights groups, including B’Tselem Human Rights group and Israeli Commission for Civil and Human Rights. Over 135 people have been killed during the last three weeks, virtually all Palestinians and mostly school children. If all this suffering is of no interest to Ms. Durant, then we have a real problem in our young Canadian generation.
Ms. Durant says: "Some wonder why Dal students are even demonstrating - leave that stuff over there, you’re Canadian now, respect that". Alas, this is saddening. Since when has becoming a Canadian meant you have no interest in human rights outside the borders of Canada? It has been drummed into us that Canada and Canadians care about human rights and international legitimacy. That is why we send our troops to Europe and the Middle East.
Altogether, we are saddened by this indifference and insensivity and trust that this does not truly represent the opinions of the students of our university or The Gazette’s editorial staff.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid,
President, Canada Palestine Association.