Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 2:15
Subject: " What about the occupation?"
Feb. 5, 2002
The Editor
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
In your editorial : {"Yasser Arafat's words" Feb. 5}, you
quite rightly point out that whatever Arafat says or does is irrelevant, as Mr.
Sharon "has no intention of forging any kind of peace accord, least of all with
Mr. Arafat." You still go on to call on Mr. Arafat " to produce more
than words if he is to remain a player."
Surprisingly, there is not a word, in your
editorial, about the occupation. Surely, you, and all
those who are genuinely interested in peace in this area, should be calling for
an immediate termination of this illegal Israeli occupation that has been
allowed to stand for 35 years, in defiance of international law and repeated
Security Council resolutions. Such compliance with international
law requires no words from Arafat, if the U.S. and the international
community care at all for the UN Charter and international
Yours sincerely
Ismail zayid, M.D.