From: Ismail Zayid
To: Globe & Mail
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 10:55 AM
Subject:Clinton’s Charade.
Canada Palestine Association
P.O.Box 1085
Halifax, NS, B3J 2X1
Tel: 902.429.9100
The Editor.
The Globe & Mail
Jan. 3, 2001
Dear Editor:
Your editorial {"Seize the day, Chairman Arafat" Jan. 3} is based on false assumptions and entirely disregards international law. You speak of " an independent Palestinian state, control of 95% of the West Bank". This (95% that you speak of has no bearing on the reality on the ground. It refers to a West Bank that has had a large proportion of it amputated by the exclusion of a seven- fold expanded Jerusalem created and annexed illegally by Israel in 1980. It excludes areas equivalent to a passage between Gaza and the West Bank , military sites and other areas. Altogether, these exclusions, taking into consideration the illegal Jewish settlements that will be annexed to Israel, will in fact give the Palestinians a truncated so-called state, with no contiguity, on no more than 70% of the original West Bank, including East Jerusalem, that was illegally occupied in 1967.
You speak of Barak ‘conceding’ a Palestinian state. The Palestinians are not asking for concessions from Mr.Barak. They want implementation of Security Council resolutions and Israeli withdrawal from all illegally occupied territories. What we find amazing is why are countries like the U.S. and Canada, and our media like yourselves, are not calling for the implementation of international law and Security Council resolutions, like we heard these voices loud and clear when Iraq illegally occupied Kuwaiti territory?
Surely the legitimate rights of the oppressed Palestinian people and the dispossessed refugees should count for more than Clinton’s "mark on history" or the electoral opportunities of Barak. Furthermore Israel must not be allowed to remain above international law. Arafat’s acceptance of the so-called ‘Clinton’s proposals’, which are essentially Barak’s, reminds us of Chamberlain returning home declaring "peace with honour". There is no honour or justice in these proposals.,
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid
President, Canada Palestine Association.