From: Ismail Zayid
To: Globe
& Mail
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 11:47 AM
Subject: The Palestine-Israel Conflict
Canada Palestine Association
P.O.Box 1085
Halifax, NS.
B3J 2X1
Tel: 902. 429. 9100
The Editor,
The Globe &
Dear Editor:
Re: James Ron's Article: For Peace's Sake, Israel Must Return All Land {July, 25}
We congratulate you on publishing this truthful statement about the Palestine-Israel conflict. James Ron, an Israeli intellectual, must be applauded for his courage and integrity.
Simply put, Israel has committed enough dispossession and devastation against the Palestinian people, making the Camp David haggling unnecessary and immoral. All that is required now is for Israel is to put an end to its continuing defiance of international law and to comply with repeated U.N. and Security Council resolutions, so that peace and security is secured in the Middle East for all.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid,MD
Canada Palestine Association.