Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 12:30 PM
Subject: What Canadians need to know about
the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
The Editor
The Globe & Mail
June 15, 2001
Dear Editor:
Despite Norman Spector's prevarication and
diatribe {"Mideast? Mum's the word" June 15}, the historic facts,
about the Arab-Israeli conflict are clear and simple. Firstly, the Palestinian
people were uprooted from their homeland, in 1948, through a systematic
process of ethnic cleansing by Israeli leaders. They have a fundamental right
to return to their homes, in accordance with the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and repeatedly-reaffirmed UN resolutions. Fifty three
years later, Israel still refuses to comply with international law. Secondly,
Israel continues, since 1967, its illegal occupation of the West Bank,
including East Jerusalem, and Gaza, and its persistent violation of
Palestinians' human rights, in defiance of the Fourth Geneva
Convention and repeated Security Council resolutions. Thirdly,
international law entitles all peoples under foreign occupation, including even
the Palestinian people, the right to resist foreign occupation.
These are the facts that Canadian politicians and
all Canadians must know and uphold, as Canada claims to uphold the UN Charter
and international legitimacy.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid, MD.