Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 10:48
Subject: " Peace in the Middle East"
March 2, 2002
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
In your editorial :{ "Pushing for peace by grasping at
straws" March 2}, You rightly state that the crucial issues need to be tackled.
These are land for peace, Jerusalem, settlements, a viable Palestinian state and
the right of return for the Palestinian refugees. You go on to imply that these
issues are difficult to achieve. This would not be so if the U.S. and its
allies would heed international law and demand that Israel comply with
repeated Security Council and U.N.resolutions, for complete
withdrawal from all territories illegally occupied and
dismantlement of all settlements, which are illegal. The right
of return for the refugees is manifest in compliance with the Universal
Declaration of Human rights and repeated U.N. resolutions.
How long must Israel be allowed to remain above
international law?
Yours Sincerely
Ismail Zayid