Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: Selective war against
October 8, 2001
The Editor:
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
In his speech, announcing the bombing of
Afghanistan, President Bush spoke of his abhorence of the killing of innocent
victims, as in the killing of 6000 innocent victims in the terrorist
attack on Sep. 11, and that the U.S and its allies will punish the
perpetrators and those who aid them. He also said: " The
U.S.A is a friend of the Afghan people, and we are the friends of almost a
billion worldwide who practice the Islamic faith."
Such statements by George Bush and Tony Blair
exemplify the height of hypocricy. The killing of 6000 innocent victims in New
York is clearly a horrible crime, but equally horrible crimes are being committed
today by the US and British governments killing 6000 Iraqi children every
month, as a result of the economic sanctions imposed on Iraq since
1990. What kind of friendship is this?
Similarly, Israeli terrorism against the
Palestinian people, killing hundreds of men,women and children and demolishing
thousands of their homes, besides the extrajudicial execution of Palestinians,
including the use of chemical weapons, continues fully aided by the
I think the Muslim world would prefer better
friends, and would be satisfied with consistent application of stated
universal standarsds and punishments of those perpetrate the killing of
innocent victims, be they Americans, Iraqis or Palestinians. The bombing of
Afghanistan will bring about more killing and punishment on the Afghani
people, to whom President Bush claims friendship. Selective war on
terrorism is immoral and unacceptable.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid, MD.