Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Israel's apologists on thin
Canada Palestine Association
POBox 1085
Halifax,NS, B3J 2X1
Tel: 902.429 9100
Oct. 15, 2001
The Editor
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
Mr. Bert Raphael exemplifies the height of
audacity, in his letter {"Dubious UN decision" Oct. 13}, castigating
Syria for having "occupying forces in Lebanon and is in a state of war
with Israel." Syrian forces are in Lebanon at the invitation of the
Lebanese government. He forgets that Israeli forces invaded Lebanon bringing
about the death of nearly 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinian civilians, besides
the terrorism and brutal massacres in Sabra and Shatilla orchestrated by Ariel
Sharon. Israeli forces remained in occupation of Lebanese territory for 22
years, in defiance of Security Council resolutions, until driven out by
Hezbollah and other Lebanese resistance fighters.
Evidently, Mr. Raphael has forgotten why is Syria
"in a state of war with Israel." Israel remains in occupation of
Syrian territory for 34 years, in defiance of repeated Security Council
resolutions. Also, there is the illegal occupation, for over 34 years, of the
West Bank, including East jerusalem, and Gaza. International law entitles all
peoples, even Arabs, under foreign occupation to
resist such occupation.
As to terrorism, it would take volumes to
catalogue Israel's history of terrorism and war crimes against the British,
Palestinians ,other Arabs, and even Jews [bombing synagogues in Baghdad] and
its own closest ally, the Americans. As to Israel's terrorism against
America, does he remember the bombing of US diplomatic centres in Cairo and
Alexandria,in 1954, [The Lavon Affair], and the sinking of "The
Liberty" in 1967, killing 35 and injuring 175 American Servicemen?
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid,MD
President, Canada Palestine Association