Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 12:35
Subject: Israel. a Jewish state.
Jan 8, 2002
The Editor.
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
Ms. Sylvia Allen {Letter " Israel diverse" Jan 8,2002}
does not have to take Andrew Lindsay's or Ismail Zayid's word to see that Israel
practices clear discrimination against non-Jewish citizens. All she has to do is
to look at Israel's Basic Laws.
The Law of Return entitles any person of the Jewish faith
to acquire immedite Israeli citizenship, on arrival in Israel. Non- Jews,
including people who were born there, are not entitled to this
The Land Acquisition Law entitles the Israeli authorities
to confiscate the land of Muslim and Christian Arabs arbitrarily. Dr. Sherevsky
described these laws as " Robbery of land from people, inhabitants of the
state." Moshe Keren, a Jewish writer, described the laws as: "wholesale robbery
with a legal coating." In accordance with Israeli laws, no non- Jew can
buy, lease or till over 90% of Israeli territory, over 90% of which has
been expropriated from its Arab owners. What would Ms. Allen say if such a
law existed in Canada that prevented non-Christians from buying or
leasing over 90% of its land?
Israel describes itself as a Jewish State
and not a state of all its citizens. Derek Tozer, a Jewish thinker,
stated: " The official policy of the Government [of Israel] is unequivocal.
Arabs, like the Jews in Nazi Germany, are officially "Class B" citizens - a fact
which is recorded on their identity cards."
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.