From: Ismail Zayid
To: letter to Ed. The Star
Sent: Sunday, May
14, 2006 3:38 PM
Subject: Israel and international law.
Canada Palestine Association,
Halifax, NS., B3J 2X1
May 14,2006
The Editor,
The Star.
The Israeli
ambassador, Alan Baker, accuses, in his letter, May 11, Haroon
Siddiqui of his "
very selective and short-sighted views" on Middle East problems. It is the state of Israel and its apologists who are totally
selective and blind to the problems they have deliberately created in the Middle East, including their systematic ethnic
cleansing of the Palestinian people from their
homeland, as orchestrated by their Zionist leaders, from Herzl
to Sharon, besides other crimes.
He states that
:"Hamas (should) simply agree to the
conditions established by the international community, including Israel and Canada, and give up terror." It is the state of Israel which continues to defy international law and
repeated Security Council and UN resolutions. It is Israel which stands in defiance of virtually every article
of the Fourth Geneva Convention, in its practices against the palestinian people under its
brutal illegal occupation. These violations are defined by international law as
war crimes.
Mr. Baker asks Hamas to recognise the state of Israel. Will he tell us which state of Israel is Hamas required to recognise? Israel, since its inception, has refused to define its
borders. Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, stated
in 1954 in his diaries after Israel had already conquered 78% of historic Palestine: " The status Quo will
not do. We have created a dynamic state, bent upon expansion."
Accordingly, Israel proceeded in a series of wars of aggression against
its neihgbours, Egypt, Syria, Palestine
and Lebanon, in 1956, 1967, 1978 and 1982. Israel's current prime minister, Ehud Olmert, has declared
recently that he plans to annex the major illegal jewish
settlements in the West Bank, as well as East Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley.
He accuses
the Palestinians of terrorism. He clearly has a very short and selective
memory. The Zionist movement and Israel created terrorism in the Middle East. The crimes by the Irgun, Stern and Haganah
terrorist gangs take volumes to enlist and are only surpassed by the acts of
state terrorism committed by the sate of Israel against, Arabs, British, Americans
and even Jews. Does he remember the Lavon
affair, the massauda Shem-Tov
synagogue, in Baghdad? That is not to mention the Israeli
crimes using chemical weapons ahainst Khalid Meshal, in Amman in 1997, and the recent report of
using chemically poisoned chocolates to murder a Palestinian activist.
question that must be asked how long must Israel be allowed to remain above
international law?
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association