From: Ismail Zayid
To: Guardian Weekly
Subject: Myths galore.
The Editor,
Krauthammer's diatribe, {" Ariel Sharon's demise....:A
Calamity for
Nowhere in
Krauthammer's specious praise for Sharon's policies is there any mention of the
illegality of the Jewish colonies [settlements], built on illegally
expropriated Palestinian land in illegally occupied territory, in violation of
international law, repeated Security Council resolutions, and the Fourth Geneva
Convention, that he wants to annex. Krauthammer has high praise for
Palestinian people need no generosity from Israeli leaders who have
systematically planned and effected their ethnic cleansing from their homeland,
besides the continuing crimes committed against them in this illegal and
brutal Israeli occupation, that has been allowed to stand for over 38
years in defiance of international law. The Palestinian people are calling on
the international community to oblige