Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:56
Subject: Falsification of
April 19,2003
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail.
Dear Editor:
In your editorial:{ " Iraq's rebirth at biblical Ur", Apr. 19}, you
state :" Persecution escalated with the founding of Israel in 1948; more than
100,000 Jews left the country, often losing every thing in the process." The
facts are that it was Israeli leaders who were applying the pressure on Iraqi
Jews to migrate to Israel. When that did not work, secret agents were sent to
Iraq, in 1950/1951, to manufacture acts of persecution, to achieve that
end. As revealed later, Mordechai Ben Porat was one of those agents who
were responsible for tossing hand grenades at Shem-Tov Synagogue, in
Iraq, killing and injuring a number of innocent worshippers. This was to
blame this criminal action on Iraq, and encourage reluctant Jewish
immigrants to leave for Israel. In fact, the Iraqi government offered, in
1972,to those Jewish Iraqi citizens the right to return to their
I think it behoves all to stick to the facts.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid,M.D.