Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 10:05 AM
Subject: Democracy for Jews only.
Feb. 4,2005.
The Editor:
The Globe & Mail.
Dear Editor:
The statement by Mark Bessoudo, about the
rights of Arab citizens in Israel, in his letter :{"Rare Arab rights" Feb
4}, is contrary to facts on the ground. It is true that Arab citizens in Israel
can elect their own members in the Knesset. However, they are clearly denied
rights available to Jewish citizens. Muslim and Christian citzens of Israel are
not allowed,by law, to buy, lease or till over 90% of the land in Israel. There
are scores of Arab villages in Israel which are designated as "Unrecognised
Villages", and are denied all basic infrastructure facilities. A blatant
example of discrimination is the recent legislation denying Arab citizens of
Israel the right to marry Arabs from the Occupied territories, or Arab
countries, and be citizens of Israel.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD.