----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 10:10 AM
Subject: Whose blind spot?
Jan. 18, 2003
The Editor:
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
Re: Your editorial { " An NDP blind spot" Jan. 18}.
If there is any blindness, obfuscation and blatant bias, it is
in your editorial writer and not the NDP candidates. Abhorent as suicide
bombing is, it is the direct outcome of oppression, daily humiliation,
demolition of thousands of homes and denial of basic human rights that
the Palestinian people have been subjected to for 35 years under the illegal
Israeli occupation, that has been allowed to stand in defiance of
international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. Your editorial
makes no mention of Israeli violation of virtually every article of the Fourth
Geneva Convention, which is tantamount to war crimes.
The Arab states have offered more than 20 years ago, and
again in a unanimous resolution at their Beirut Summit Conference, in March
last year, to live in peace with israel and received nothing but
continuing defiance and aggression from Sharon and his government.
It is time that your editorialists and columnists begin to see
the facts for what they are, instead of accusing the principled statements of
NDP candidates.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid, MD.