Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 12:01
Subject: Iraq's twisted British
23 Jan. 2003
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail.
Dear Editor:
In her insightful article : { "Iraq's twisted British roots" Jan.
23}, Margaret MacMillan gave an accurate account of the British colonial role in
the genesis of today's conflicts in the area. She also stated : " The British
used bomb civilian targets." They did a little more than
that . Like Saddam bombers, the squadrons of the RAF used poison gas
against the Kurdish rebels. Sir Aylmer Haldane, commander of
British forces, stated proudly that the British army used gas shells " with
excellent moral effect" [ " British bombing when the natives were restless" by
David Omissi,Guardian Weekly, Feb. 3,1991.] The
rebellion was crushed with the loss of 9000 Arab lives. Winston
Churchill, Colonial Secretary, in 1921, "consistently urged that the
RAF should use mustard gas during these raids, despite the warning by one of his
advisers that 'it may... kill children and sickly persons."[see above source].
Churchill rejected timid naysayers : " I do not understand this squeamishness
about the use of gas against uncivilised is not necessary to use
only the most deadly gasses; gasses can be used which would cause great
inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would have no serious
permanent effects on most of those affected." Chemical weapons, Churchill
concluded, represent "the application of Western science to modern warfare....We
cannot in any circumstance acquiesce in the non-utilisation of any weapons which
are available to procure a speedy termination of the disorder which prevails on
the frontier." ["Beat The Devil: The Press and the Just War" by Alexander
Cockburn, The Nation, Feb. 18,1991].
Saddam Hussein clearly learnt the lesson from skilled experts, so did
George Bush, Senior, using depleted uranium and other sophiscated missiles, and
now George W. Bush and Tony Blair in their impending war.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid,MD.