Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 10:14
Subject: Right of Return: An Inalienable
Canada Palestine Association,
P.O.Box, 1085
Halifax, NS. B3J 2X1
Tel: 902.429.9100
July 14,2003
Dear Editor:
Your editorial:{ "Refugees of 1948" July 14} evades basic elemental
principles and facts.
The Zionist movement, throughout its history, and as articulated by
all its
leaders from Theodor Herzl to Ariel Sharon, planned and effected,
massacres, intimidation and psychological warfare, a process of
cleansing to expel the Palestinian people from their native
Theodor Herzl wrote in his diaries in 1896, “We shall try to spirit
penniless population [the Arabs] across the border ... Both the
process of expropriation
and the removal of the poor must be carried out
discreetly and
circumspectly” (from R. Patai ed., The Complete Diaries of
Theodor Herzl,Vol. 1).
David Ben-Gurion, in a letter to his son Amos in
1937, confided that when
the Jewish state came into being, “We will expel the
Arabs and take their
places". Later, Ben-Gurion, while visiting the newly
conquered city of
Nazareth in July 1948, exclaimed, “Why are there so many
Arabs left here?
Why didn’t you expel them?”
Joseph Weitz, the Jewish
Agency chief representative, also stated that he
and other Zionist leaders
concluded in 1940 that there was “no room for both
peoples together in this
country”. The achievement of Zionist objectives, he
realized, required “a
Palestine or at least Western Palestine (West of the
Jordan River) without
Arabs”. He wrote that it was necessary “to transfer
the Arabs from here to
neighbouring countries – to transfer all of them, and
only after such
transfer would the country be able to absorb millions of
The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948
brought about the expulsion
of over 750,000 Palestinians from their historic
homeland. This calculated
policy was followed by the destruction of over 400
Palestinian towns and
villages, so as to prevent the return of the refugees
to their homes. These
refugees, together with their children and
grandchildren, number around 4
million people, living mostly in intolerable
conditions in refugee camps in
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip for the last 54
years. Their determination to return to their
homes has not waned or
faltered. They constitute the largest and most
persistent refugee problem in
the world.
The Right of Return (ROR) is
sacred and legal. It is enshrined in
international law and repeated UN
resolutions. Article 13 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights states:
“Everyone has the right to leave any
country including his own, and to return
to his country”. On December 11,
1948, The United Nations General Assembly
(UNGA) adopted resolution #194, of
which paragraph 11 states that the General
“Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes
and live at
peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the
practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the
property of
those choosing not to return and for the loss of or damage to
which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be
good by the governments or authorities responsible ….
It is
vital to observe that the ROR is an individual right, with emphasis,
in these
UN resolutions, on the free choice for each refugee to exercise
this right.
This point is fundamental in the current political context,
making it illegal
and unacceptable for any other body, be it the U.S.,
Israel or the
Palestinian Authority (PA), to bargain away this
right. Furthermore, the emphasis in
this resolution is that the refugees
have the free choice to return to their
homes, and not merely to a future
Palestinian state in the West Bank and
Gaza, as some political manoeuvres
may imply.
In the context of
Resolution #194, the international community felt a deep
responsibility for
this tragedy, as expressed by the UN Mediator in
Palestine, Count Folke
Bernadotte, who stated, “It would be an offence
against the principles of
elemental justice if these innocent victims of the
conflict were denied the
right of return to their homes” (UN Doc. A. 648,
1948). Tragically, Count
Bernadotte, a man of nobility and honour, paid
dearly for making this point
of elemental justice. He was assassinated on
September 17, 1948 in Jerusalem,
by the terrorist “Stern gang”, on the
orders of its leader (and later prime
minister of Israel) Yitzhak Shamir.
It is interesting to note that
Resolution #194 has been reaffirmed by the UN
over a hundred times, but “the
earliest practicable date” has not yet
arrived, 55 years later.
It is
of relevance to point out that the implementation of Resolution #194,
as well
as the Partition Resolution #181, was a condition stipulated in the
of Israel to the UN, as per Resolution #273, of May 11, 1949.
Thus. it can be
reasonably argued that Israel’s UN membership is
illegitimate, given its
refusal to implement these conditions.
The process of ethnic cleansing of
the Palestinians was continued in 1967,
when Israel expelled another 300,000
Palestinian refugees from the West
Bank, many of them expelled for the second
time. The UN Security Council
ordered their return, as per Resolution #237 of
June 14. 1967. Thirty six
years later this resolution remains
Another incredible aspect of the Israeli creation of
refugees and denial of
their ROR is the experience of Palestinian Israeli
citizens. Of the 1.2
million Palestinian citizens of Israel, approximately
250,000 are to this
day refugees in Israel. They are called, in the Orwellian
Zionist lexicon,
“present absentees”. They acquired this label for having
been away from
their homes in 1948 – even if only for a single day – yet
still remaining
within the (pre-1967) boundaries of Israel. On the basis of
this lsraeli
determination, their homes and land have been illegally
confiscated for the
benefit of Russian and other immigrants of Jewish
religion or origin.
Israel, we are told, is a “Jewish state”, not a state of
all its citizens.
You refer to the " subsequent attack on the newborn state by Arab
armies" , implying a cause and effect to the refugee problem. In fact over
350,000 refugees were expelled or fled, and scores of cities, like Jaffa and
Acre, towns and villages, that were allotted to the Arab state, as per the UN
Resolution #181, of Nov. 29,1947, were occupied by the Zionist forces,
before a single Arab army soldier entered Palestine on May
15,1948. The entry of Arab armies was thought to bring to an end this process of
ethnic cleansing.
You speak of the Jewish refugees from Arab countries, stating :
" And they fled amid an atmosphere of anti-Jewish incitement and violence."
Believe it or not, the incitement and violence against Jewish citizens of Arab
countries came from Israeli politicians. Mordechai Ben Porat, an Israeli agent,
is quoted to have been sent in 1950 by Yigal Allon to Iraq to 'bring about'
the emigration of these citizens to Israel. Hand grenades were tossed into
Masouda Shem-Tov synagogue, in Baghdad, killing and injuring many innocent
worshippers, so as to blame it on the Iraqi Arabs. The operation succeded
in bringing many thousands of immigrants to Israel.
Be that as it may, these Jewish refugees have,too, the perfect right
to return to their homes in Arab countries and receive compensation. In fact,
Arab countries, unlike Israel, have declared their willingness to allow
their Jewish citizens to return to their homes.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that securing this
elemental principle
of justice for the refugees – the free choice to return
to their
homes – is a vital element in obtaining peace and security for both
and Palestinians in this tortured land.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid,M.D.
President, Canada Palestine Association.
P.S. Dear Editor: I recognise this contribution is far too long for a
letter to Editor, and I would request if you would consider it as an opinion