Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 10:42 PM
Subject: What about Israel's blinkers and international
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
In your editorial :{ " The UN's blinkers" July 22}, you accuse the UN
General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Commission of bias against Israel. Did
it occur to you that the UN voting record may reflect a continuing Israeli
defiance of international law and all human rights covenants? Israeli practices
in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories include extra-judicial
assassination, detention of thousands without charge or trial, torture, daily
humiliation of Palestinians, demolition of thousands of homes uprooting of
hundreds of thousands of olive and orchard trees and expropriation of
Palestinian land for the creation of illegal Jewish settlements. All these acts
are in violation of virtually every article of the Fourth Geneva
Convention, and thus are war crimes, as defined by
international law.
As to the Apartheid wall that Israel is
building largely on illegally occupied territory, it again stands in violation
of international law as defined by the International Court of Justice.
This wall has nothing to do with security. If Israel is truly concerned
about the security of its citizens, all it has to do is terminate completely its
illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, that has been allowed to stand, for
37 years, in defiance of international law and repeated Security Council
resolutions. The real bias is in the stand of the US government, whose record in
vetoing over 40 Security Council resolutions, against Israel, and
preventing its compliance even with Security Council resolutions, that
were passed. As to Canada's recent voting record, it stands as an insult to our
country's claim to uphold the UN Charter and universal human
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD.