Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 11:55
Subject: Falsehoods
July 6,2003.
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
Re: letter by Alex Hacker; {"Required reading" July 5}.
In his letter, Mr. Hacker reproduces the baseless fables
produced by Israeli propagandists that the Palestinian refugees left in 1948 on
the orders broadcast by their leaders. This manufactored tale
was demolished by Erskine Childers who examined the American
and British monitored records of all Middle East broadcasts throughout 1948
and reported: " There was not a single order or appeal or suggestion about
evacuation from Palestine,in 1948. There is repeated monitored record of Arab
appeals even flat orders to civilians to stay put " {The
Spectator, May 12,1961}.
The Palestinian refugees were evicted from their homeland through a
systematic process of ethnic cleansing formulated by all Zionist leaders.
Theodor Herzl wrote in his diaries in 1896: " We shall try to spirit the
penniless [Arab] population across the border....the removal must be carried out
discretely and circumspectly." { from R. Patai, Ed. " The Complete Diaries
of Theodor Herzl. Vol 1}. Ben Gurion, Israel's first prime minister
confided to his son, Amos, in a letter in 1937 that when the Jewish state comes
onto being: " We will expel the Arabs and take their places."
Mr. Hacker claims that there were " No major atrocities
committed by the Israeli army." History researcher Ariyeh
Yitzhaki states: " For many Israelis it was easy to cling to the false
claim that the Arabs left the country because that was what their leaders
ordered. That is a total lie. The fundamental cause for the flight of the Arabs
was their fear of Israeli violence, and that fear had a basis in reality."
History researcher Uri Milstein, celebrated in Israel as the dispeller of myths,
confirms Yitzhaki's evaluation of the volume of the massacres : " If Yitzhaki
claims that there were murders in almost every village, then I say that up to
the inception of Israel, every event of fighting ended in a massacre of Arabs.
There were massacres of Arabs in all of Israel's wars, but I have no doubt that
the War of Independence was the dirtiest."
I think the required reading for Mr. Hacker and The Globe &
Mail readers, is the factual history of that conflict and not the manufactured
falsehoods that Israel's apologists engender.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.