Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: Nice try,Uri, but we are Palestinians.
July 9,2002
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail.
Dear Editor:
Uri Dromi's comment {"Nice try,Yasser,but we are Israeli" July
9} calls for a reply.
I used to have a home, that my father built, and your Israeli
troops demolished, together with my entire village, Beit Nuba. They are still
daily demolishing Palestinians' homes, stealing their land , uprooting their
trees and mercilessly humiliating and murdering the young and the old. Is this
what they are offering me out of their goodwill, and expect my thanks? The
Palestinians, too, will manage to keep a stiff upper lip.
You speak of the Clinton-Barak plan as " the most
generous offer." Since when has returning part of a stolen property to its
rightful owners been considered a generous act ? Since when has a bantustan-type
structure,controlled by Israel, been called a viable Palestinian
Your objection to allow the Israeli-Palestinian cnflict to be
subject to an international body, including the UN, emanates from Israeli
policy, supported by your dedicated ally the US, of continuing defiance of
international law, the Fourth Geneva Convention and repeated Security Council
I assure you, Uri, to quote your own words, that "Nothing
good will ever come to either Israelis or Palestinians as long this is allowed
to continue." Peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians will come
about only if Israel accepts international law and complies with UN resolutions,
so that the Palestinians are allowed a modicum of justice in their own
Yours sincerely.
Ismail Zayid, M.D.