Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: What about the occupation?
Jan. 10,2006
The Editor,
The Globe & Mail
Dear Editor:
Howard Schrier {" The barrier works" Letter,
Jan.10}, asks Greg Felton a series of questions. Perhaps, instead, he should ask
himself some questions. Has he had to live under an oppressive illegal
occupation for over 38 years? Has he seen his home, amongst thousands of
homes, demolished? Has he seen his land illegally expropriated and his
trees uprooted? Has he been held and humiliated at scores of check points
while travelling to a neighbouring town? Has he seen members of his family
denied access to health care? Has he seen his pregnant wife, on her way to
hospital, obliged to deliver her baby at a check point, where the newborn
baby meets death?
The illegal wars, in violation of
international law, that he speaks of, have been waged repeatedly by Israel
and not Arab Countries, including the wars of 1956, 1967, 1978 and
If Mr. Shrier and other apologists for Israel truly
cares about security for Israeli citizens, they should call on Israel to comply
with international law and terminate completely its illegal occupation of
Palestinian and Syrian land that has been allowed to stand for over 38 years, in
defiance of international law and repeated Security Council
Ismail Zayid, MD.