Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 9:13
Subject: A fictitious
July 9,2004
The Editor,
The Guardian Weekly.
Dear Editor;
Glenn Frankel, in his article {"Israel's crisis without end" June
25}, depicts Israel as a state under a "perpetual state of siege". This is the
most powerful military state in the Middle East, which has waged a series of
wars of aggression, in 1956,1967,1978 and 1982, against its Egyptian,
Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese neighbours, and possesses the most
sophisticated weaponry, including nuclear, Chemical and biological weapons.
Mr. Frankel speaks of Israel "longing for a normal existence".
Surely, a state that imposes, for decades, an illegal occupation over its
neighbours, in defiance of international law and repeated Security Council
resolutions, and persists in practising, against the occupied people, the
violation of virtually every article in the Fourth Geneva Convention, cannot be
interested in normalcy.
If Israel is truly interested in a state of normalcy and the
security of its citizens, it should completely terminate its illegal occupation
of Palestinian and Syrian territory and comply with international law and UN
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD