Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 5:04
Subject: Israel's good intentions
July 6,2003
The Editor
Guardian Weekly.
Dear Editor:
The charges, made in David Quentzel' letter {"Trust Israel
good intentions" June 26} against Suzanne Goldenberg's reports, are baseless and
defy factual history. The Palestinians are the victims
of a systematic Zionist programme of ethnic cleansing and dispossession
formulated by all Zionist leaders, from Theodor Herzl to Ariel
Sharon. This policy of ethnic cleansing was largely effected in early 1948,
with the eviction of 350,000 refugees and the occupation of scores of cities and
towns, like Jaffa and Acre, that were allotted to the Arab state in UN
Resolution #181, before a single Arab soldier entered Palestine
on May 15,1948.
In June 1967 Israel initiated its planned war of
aggression against Egypt, Jordan and Syria, resulting in the
illegal occupation of Arab territories that include to this day
the Palestinian territories of the West Bank,including East Jerusalem, and Gaza,
as well as the Syrian Golan Heights. This illegal occupation has been allowed
to stand for 36 years in defiance of international law and repeated
Security Council resolutions. The claim by Israel's apologists that the June
1967 war was a pre-emptive war against threats from President Nasser are
demolished by Israel's leaders' own testimony. Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's chief of
staff at the time stated: " I do not think Nasser wanted war. The two divisions
he sent to the Sinai would not have been sufficient to launch an offensive
war. He knew it and we knew it." {Le Monde. Feb.28,1968}. Menachem
Begin, a cabinet minister at the time, stated, when he was prime minister,
addressing Israel's National Defence College. on Aug.8,1982, : " In June 1967,
we again had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai did
not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with
ourselves. We decided to attack him." [The New York Times. Aug. 21,1982}.
Perhaps, it is time that Mr. Quentzel and other Israeli apologists heed Mr,
Begin's advice and practice some honesty on this score. This war of aggression
by Israel was only one of many. Those include Israel's war of aggression against
Egypt in 1956, in collusion with Britain and France, as well its wars of
aggression against Lebanon in 1978 and 1982. We are still waiting for the
penalties and financial compensation paid by the aggressor, as Mr. Quentzel
The Palestinians, under illegal occupation for the last 36 years,
have been the victims of the most oppressive occupation, the practices of which
include extra-judicial assassination, detention without charge or trial,
torture, daily humiliation,demolition of thousands of their homes and
expropriation of their land for the creation of illegal Jewish settlements.
These oppressive acts are all in violation of the Fourth Geneva
Convention, and are,as defined by international law, war
crimes.The Barak charade at Camp David,in July 2000, that Mr. Quentzel
refers to as " an extraordinary package offered by Israel;" defies all logic.
The Palestinians are not calling for any generosity from Israel. They are
calling for complete termination of this illegal
occupation and Israeli compliance with international law and UN
How long must Israel be allowed to remain above international law
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.