Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 3:48 PM
Subject: Is Israel above international law?
March 4,2005
The Editor,
Guardian Weekly.
Dear Editor:
Re: {" Abbas pleads for direct talks with Israel"
by Ewen MacAskill, March 4}.
The pleading by Abbas for direct negotiations with
Israel is incomrehensible. Israel stands in illegal occupation of
Palestinian territory for 38 years in defiance of international law and repeated
Security Council resolutions. Immediate and complete termination of this illegal
occupation should be demanded by the Palestinian Authority, as well as the USA
and all those who claim to speak for international legitimacy and the UN
Charter. When Iraq illegally occupied Kuwait,in 1990, no one said the Kuwaitis
should negotiate with the Iraqis about withdrawal from 90% or otherwise of their
land. A Security Council resolution was passed, and when withdrawal was not
accomplished in few weeks, the US and its allies sent nearly a million troops
and evicted Iraqi forces from Kuwait, besides bombing and destroying the entire
infrastructure of Iraq. Even after the eviction of Iraqi troops from Kuwait, the
US and the UK claimed that Iraq was not in full compliance with one
Security Council resolution and imposed economic sanctions, that brought about
the death of over a million Iraqis, mostly children.
Israel stands today in defiance of scores of
Security Council resolutions. Why does Abbas need to plea for negotiation?
Is Israel above international law?
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD.