Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 5:22 PM
Subject: How about a sense of humanity?
April 17, 2002
The Editor.
The Halifax Herald
Dear Editor:
Svend Robinson clearly doesn't speak for of K.M Whitead
{ Letter " Slf-righteous boob" April 14} and other Israel's apologists who hail
Israeli brutality against a largely defenceless people , who have been subjected
to an illegal occupation , the brutality of which has been condemned by all
international human rights groups, including Amnesty International, UN Human
Rights Commission, International Commission of Jurists and Israeli human rights
groups, including B'Tselem and Israeli League for Human and Civil
However, Svend Robinson, in his condemnation of Israeli
brutality, speaks for all those who have a sense of humanity ,
revulsion against brutality and respect for human rights and international
law, to which Israel and its apologists have no time.
Yours Sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.