Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 11:38
Subject: Blaming the
Aug.31, 2003
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
In your editorial : ["End of the road map" Aug.30}, attempting to
present a 'balanced' view of the background to the Palestinian/Israeli
conflict, you omit fundamental facts. There is no mention of who initiated the
provocative acts of assassination that brought about the termination of the
ceasefire and end of the road map. At the Aqaba summit, on June 4, the road
map was agreed to by President Bush with Sharon and Abbas. On June 5th.,
Sharon sent his forces and assassinated two Palestinians near Tulkarm. On June
10th. Sharon's forces attacked Aziz Rantisi, a Hamas political leader, in a
failed assassination attempt. It was these attacks that brought about the acts
of retaliation by Hamas.
You make no mention of the illegal Israeli occupation
of Palestinian territories that has been allowed to stand for 36 years,
in defiance of international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. This
occupation brought about imprisonment without charge or trial, legalised
torture, daily humiliation, extra-judicial assassination, demolition of
thousands of homes, expropriation of territory for the creation of illegal
Jewish settlements, all in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention,
and thus war crimes,as defined by international law.
It is perhaps relevant to point out that international law and the UN
Charter entitles all peoples, including even the Palestinian
people, under foreign occupation to resist such occupation. It is
complete unconditional termination of this occupation that must
be called for by our political leaders and media. There should be no requirement
for negotiation between the occupier and the occupied. When Iraq illegally
occupied Kuwait, no one entertained the idea of negotiations between Kuwaitis
and Iraqis, and nearly a million troops were sent to expel Iraq from occupied
You speak of " burning hatred is ... constantly stoked in Arab
schools, mosques and by their political leaders." This is an Israeli fabrication
that has been refuted in a number of academic studies, by neutral and Jewish
academicians. Marc Perelman, in an article in Forward,
Jan. 18,2002, titled:"Professor Debunks Charges Against
Palestinian Textbooks", quotes Professor Nathan Brown, professor of political
science and international affairs, at George Washington University : "
Palestinian textbooks,often cited by politicians,the press and Jewish communal
leaders as being full of bloodcurdling incitement to war, anti-judaism and even
anti-Semitism, are much more balanced than they're made out to be." Professor
Brown, who is Jewish, goes on to say ;" The think-tank, that has been at the
forefront of publicising the allegedly inciting material, the Jerusalem- based
Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace {CMIP} has highlighted those passages
in a way that is highky misleading and always unreliable."
On the other hand, this hate-promotion is more applicable to
Israeli school textbooks. Maureen Meehan, in an article, titled :" Israeli
Textbooks and Children's Literature promote Racism and Hatred towards
Palestinians and Arabs", in Wahington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Sept. 1999, quotes a study by Professor Daniel Bar-Tal, of Tel Aviv
University, and states: "Israeli school textbooks, according to recent academic
studies and surveys, portray Palestinians and Arabs as "murderers". "rioters"
and "generally backward and unproductive."
As to statements by political leaders, it is Israeli leaders whose
statements of hate and racism should be condemned. Israeli prime minister,
Menachem Begin, in a speech to the Knesset, referred to the Palestinians as
"two-legged animals." Israeli prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir stated :" [The
Palestinians] would be crushed like grasshoppers...heads smashed against the
boulders and walls." [N.Y.Times, April 1,1988]. Rafael Eitan, Israeli Chief of
Staff, stated:" When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do
about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle."
[N.Y.Times, 14 April 1988]. Ehud Barak, Israeli prime minister, stated : "The
Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want
more..." [Jerusalem Post. Aug. 30,2002]. Rabbi Perin, in a eulogy for
Baruch Goldstein, in 1994, stated : " One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish
fingernail." Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, the spiritual leader of the Shas party
and former Israeli Chief Rabbi, described the Arabs as serpents and in his
Passover sermon, stated :" The Lord shall waste their [the Arabs] seed,
devastate them and vanish them from this world. It is forbidden to be merciful
to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and
I think it behooves the editorial staff of The Herald to look at the
facts with a measure of fairness, so as not to mislead their
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.