Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:39 AM
Subject: Selective reading of history.
Dec. 30,2001
The Editor,
The Halifax herald.
Dear Editor:
Fran Morrison's letter[ "One-sided, indeed", Dec. 30], like
all Israel's apologists, has selective reading of history, and
my own writing.
I have repeatedly condemned the killing of innocent civilians,
be they Israeli or Palestinians.
As to the acceptance of Israel's existence by the Arab states
and the Palestinians, this was done many years ago. The Arab Summit
Conference at Fez, Morocco, issued the "Fez Declaration", on September
9,1982, in which the UN Security Council resolution # 242 was accepted
recognising Israel's existence in 78% of historic Palestine and called for
Israeli withdrawal from the territories illegally occupied by Israel in
1967. This illegal oppressive occupation still continues 34 years later, in
defiance of international law. Furthermore, Arafat and the Palestine
Liberation Organisation [PLO] , in the Algiers Conference, in1988, and the
Oslo agreement in 1993, have stated formally their full
recognition of the state of Israel within the pre-1967 borders.
It is time for Israel to comply with international law and for
its apologists to read history correctly and without this blind
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid,M.D.