Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:30 PM
Subject: Blaming the victims..
Jan. 12,2005
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
The letter by Eric Malloy :{"Reverse the trend" Jan. 12},
is such a distortion of facts, that it is amazing that the Halifax
Herald finds it fit for publication.
Various international journalists and Israeli sources
confirmed the killing, on January 4, by Israeli shells, of seven
Palestinians farming in their strawberry farm. Six of these were children from
the same Ghaben family, with ages 10,11,12,14,16 and 17. The description of
Palestinians regularly murdered in their homes and farms, by Israeli bombing and
shelling, as terrorists, defies credibility. It is perhaps relevant to point out
that it was Israel that introduced terrorism in the Middle East. The late
Professor Israel Shahak, a Holocaust survivor and Chairman of the Israeli League
for Human and Civil rights, stated: " There is nothing new in the fact that
Israel is a terrorist state, which, almost from its inception, has used its
intelligence service [the Mossad] to assassinate people on foreign soil with any
violence or terror it considers necessary for its ends."
The Palestinians have been subjected to an illegal Israeli
occupation that has been allowed to stand for over 37 years, in defiance of
international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. Israeli practices
during this brutal occupation include extra-judicial assassination, detention of
thousands without charge or trial, torture, daily humiliation, demolition of
thousands of homes and expropriation of land for the creation of illegal Jewish
settlements. These practices are in violation of virtually every article of the
Fourth Geneva Convention, and are defined by international law
as war crimes. These practices have been condemned by all
international human rights organisations, including Amnesty International
and Israeli human rights groups like B'Tselem and Israeli League for Human and
Civil Rights.
If Israel truly cares for peace and security for its
citizens, it should comply with international law and terminate completely its
illegal occupation of Palestinian and Syrian land.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD.